
General Information

Full Name Jatin Avinash Salve
Date of Birth 31st August 2001
Languages English, Hindi, Marathi


  • 2019 - 2023
    Bachelor of Technology
    Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute(VJTI), Mumbai, India
    • Core Member
      • Google Student Developers Club(GDSC)
      • Community of Coders(CoC)
  • 2017
    Vivekanand Education Society(VES)
    • MHT-CET 98 Percentile


  • 2023
    Carnegie Mellon University(CMU)
    USA - Remote
    • Working on LM Extraction benchmark, on Pile dataset by G-Research and ETH Zurich.
    • Working on Unlabeled and Label-Only Membership Inference Attacks on Large Language Model(LLMs) i.e. 1.3B GPT-Neo.
  • 2023
    Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Patna
    India - Remote
    • Working on Medical Conversation Summarization using multimodal DL and SOTA NLP Models.
    • Working on multimodal aware fusion(MAF), and adapter based module that comprises of multimodal context aware attenstion(MCA2) and Global Information Fusion(GIF).
  • 2022
    Google Summer of Code(GSoC)
    USA - Remote
    • Maintaining Joomla GSoC Project Repository, Keeping track of the daily work of GSoC Participant.
    • Mentoring GSoC students, scheduling weekly meets reviewing the code, guide students to write quality code.
    • Based on the work done by the GSoC student, mid-term and final evaluation reports were Submitted.
  • 2022
    MITACS Globalink Research Internship
    Polytechnique Montreal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    • Developed a decision support tool for water quality management, using the IDF Data Curve values from the CMIP4/5 readings of Canada.
    • Worked on the Machine Learning Model in PyTorch and TensorFlow for the IDF Curves data estimations using the ML Techniques
    • Globalink Research Fellowship Awardee - research grants worth over CAD 9000.
    • Analyzing the results of an online survey, to Provide a manual to use the web-based tool.
  • 2021
    Joomla @ OSPP Summer 2021
    China - Remote
    • Worked under the Joomla Organization. Developed a Joomla 4. X MVC Component with the additional support of databases like MySQL and PostgreSQL, and gave the support of Joomla 4. X backend Plugin.
    • Integrated the external JS library Shepherd JS which uses Popper JS that handles the Guided Tour functionality. Understood the code flow and good coding practices that should be followed while writing code in C++, JS, Web Development, Apache, and PHP especially using OOPs.

Open Source Projects

  • 2021-2022
    Guided Tour
    • In Joomla! are certain workflows needed to do certain tasks. Currently, users have to read the documentation if they’re new and want to know how they can archive different things. This project should implement the functionality of guided tours in Joomla!. A tour is a click-through path which the user can follow to fulfill certain tasks like creating an article. So on the one hand Joomla! the core should deliver basic tours for users to use core functionality without the need to read the documentation. On the other hand, it should be possible to create their own tours (e.g. as administrators for system operators), copy and change existing tours or allow 3rd party developers to ship their own tours when their extension will be installed.

Honors and Awards

  • 2022
    • MITACS Globalink Research Internship Award
    • Reseach grant of 9000 Canadian Dollars
  • 2022
    • Schindler Ignited Minds Award


  • Languages
    • C & C++
    • Python
    • Java
    • Javascript
    • PHP
  • Libraries
    • JAX
    • NumPy
    • PyTorch
    • OpenCV
    • Kornia
    • tensorFlow
  • AI
    • Machine Leaning
    • Deep Learning
    • NLP
    • CNN
  • Web Development
    • ReactJS
    • HTML, CSS, bootstrap
    • git, CI/CD
    • UI/UX
    • Wordpress & Joomla


  • MITACS Globalink Research Awardee
  • Schindler Ignited Minds Awardee.
  • Got selected for s Open-Source Promotion Plan program, organized by the Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences and Open Euler (ISCAS).
  • Award of Excellence in 2017 from Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd (BPCL).
  • Under the Top 3 Percent Academically in Engineering Entrance with a score of 97.19 Percentile.